By Steven A. Edelman, Attorney (314) 632-6777, ext. 14
Often times an injured worker can have a pending workers’ compensation case while at the same time receiving social security benefits. There are primarily three types of social security monthly benefits that are typically paid monthly.
- Social Security Retirement: The first is regular social security retirement benefits, which is a monthly check that you get each week due to you meeting the retirement age under the social security law. The retirement age is based on your date of birth.
- Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI): The second, is social security disability (SSDI), which is based on your inability to work due to disabling medical conditions or injuries.
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI): The third is social security income (SSI), See:
Question: How does a workers’ compensation case effect an injured worker’s receipt of the above three types of social security benefits?
When a workers’ compensation case is settled or an award is entered by a Judge, then an injured workers’ social security benefits can be reduced by the amount of money received in their workers’ compensation case based on what is called the 80% rule.
Social Security Anti-Offset and the 80% rule: This rule generally states that the combined receipt of social security benefits and workers’ compensation benefits can not exceed 80% of the highest gross income earning month of the injured worker. If the combined amount exceeds this 80% amount, then social security benefits will be reduced until the combined social security monthly benefits and workers’ compensation monthly benefits equals this 80% amount. See also the social security website:
If a workers’ compensation case is settled, then your attorney can draft a special settlement agreement called a social security anti-offset stipulation for the purpose of attempting to prevent any reduction of social security benefits. These anti-offset stipulations are allowed by social security.
If you’ve been injured at work, then please immediately contact our law firm, and one of our skilled attorneys will be happy to discuss your rights and benefits under workers’ compensation law. Call us for a free consultation: 314-631-6777, Ext. 14
Steven A. Edelman, Attorney